A Chilly Breeze and Puppy Days

A chilly breeze tugs at the oversized coat I threw on as I look toward the overcast sky. Just as the cornfield catches my gaze I slide on the refrozen snow and nearly do the splits down the front yard. And just as I regain my balance... the ball of energy on the end of the leash decides to pull me downhill with him.

Hello, and welcome to Rachael's life! 

Two weeks ago my family welcomed a giant schnoodle puppy into our family. While we all love Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy with all our hearts, taking care of a puppy is a little bit like taking care of a baby: they need attention. And they need to use the bathroom. A lot. 

Oh, and I think he and my cat are scheming up ways to utterly destroy my house slippers. ๐Ÿ˜„

One thing is certain: if there was ever a dull moment in our house before, there isn't one now. The constant chewing of not-puppy approved items; the insistent barking that begs our much older dog to come play; and the frequent romps in the cold outdoors make up about half of the day's activity. In between puppy business and taking care of other responsibilities (such as school...) I haven't had much time to write, or practice the piano, or read very much. And because my closest sister is behind in her schoolwork I'm going to be helping out with her chores until she's caught up.

*cue sorrow for the loss of my reading time*

No, my friends, this isn't a pity party. I wish I had more time to work on my novel and practice my music, and I wish I didn't have to do so much around the house sometimes. But the Lord reminded me yesterday of a verse I memorized several years ago in Awana. 

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." - Colossians 3:23

What if Jesus had asked me to take on more chores to help my sister out? Would I be as down about not being able to read instead? What if Fitzwilliam had been a gift from Him? Would I grumble as much as I do when he has to go out for the third time in an hour? And then there's my math book, full of scribbles and eraser dust. What if Jesus was my teacher? Would He be pleased with my efforts at working out algebraic fractions? 

If we think about it a little more, haven't I received all these things from Him? 

The book of James tells us that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." Though I might not call math the best gift I've ever had I've still received it from God, and I'm obliged to do my best to serve Him by doing my best. 

After all, God gave His Son to save me. Couldn't I give Him my time to work on my math worksheets? 

This is sort of an ultimatum for me. A resolve to remember Who I'm serving when I serve my family. They aren't keeping me back from doing bigger and better things.

Right now, right here, the most important thing I can do is give my best efforts in what I've been given.

But is it worth it?

Lord willing, I'll be graduating in 2023 with a head start in college classes. Whenever I go to my room I usually find at least one of four house slippers missing, spirited away to become kittens for a little while. And when I stand at the bottom of our stairs I often see two brown eyes and one shiny nose resting on the very top step, just waiting for me to come back up. 

It's not easy, but it is so worth it.

My math book awaits, my friends.

Tally ho!

Rachael Anne

                          When the girls go to piano lessons, the boys are a little lost๐Ÿ’œ


  1. Poor, lonely Mr. Darcy. His intentions toward your slippers are probably quite innocent; he might just think that they're Rachael-scented chew toys.

  2. Mr. Darcy is so adorable. Also, I love his name; I'm currently reading P&P for school.

  3. But math is so boring. Are we sure the Lord is behind it? Other subjects of course. Grandmama


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