A Bit of News…


Hey y’all! I got some exciting news today, and I just have to share it somewhere. This past week I submitted a meditative article to a challenge that can be found here: https://scriptoriums.com/ Scriptorium is a very encouraging organization that encourages people of all ages in the study and memorization of God’s Word, and I was very excited to spend the month of February meditating on Isaiah 53.

Well, the exciting news is… my entry was one of the two winners!!!!! I’m so grateful that the Lord has encouraged me in this way, and I thought that the words He inspired me to write might encourage you. I pray they do! Enjoy!

Isaiah 53: Surely He has Borne Our Griefs

When I first memorized Isaiah 53:4-12 in 2020 I wasn’t digging as deep into the verses as I should have. As a second time Bible Bee participant and naturally competitive person I was focusing more on achieving the goal of a perfect recitation than the truth I was reciting. Two years later as I restudied Isaiah 53 in its entirety I wasn’t considering the implications of a nationwide competition. Or how perfectly I recited. Or how well I presented the truth.

This time I was simply considering the truth.

Isaiah 53 is one of the clearest passages foretelling the coming of the Messiah. He was to be despised and rejected (vs. 3); He was to be pierced for our transgressions (vs. 5); and he was ultimately to make us righteous in the sight of God (vs. 11). Years before these events took place, God whispered into the heart of His prophet to write the words we treasure today. He was giving us hope! A Savior was coming!

As we live after the appearance of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we seek to imitate Him. The perfect Man. The perfect High Priest. 

The Perfect Suffering Servant.

Isaiah 53 not only clearly presents who Jesus would be but also shows what we will be if we follow in His steps. Did you note the latter part of verse three? “And as one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised and we esteemed Him not.” Have you ever seen this play out in your own life? Has anyone ever rejected you or looked down on you after you told them you were a Christian? Look at verse two: “He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.” Have you ever felt unloved? Has anyone laughed at you for believing in Jesus?

When Jesus calls us to follow Him He doesn’t promise it will be easy. Instead He gives us comfort when He says, “I am with you always.” 

Jesus was different, and it cost Him everything. If we are different the same fate awaits us.

Is it worth it?

When you have troubles and trials, remember that Jesus says, “Surely I have borne your griefs and carried your sorrows.” When you feel the weight of sin pressing so heavily on your soul, remember He says, “The Lord has laid on Me the iniquity of you all.” And when you think of how unfair it is that He should die for you, remember, “It was the will of the Lord to crush Me.”

That is love. That is true, untarnished, unconditional love. 

That is Jesus. Walk with Him. 


  1. Hannah G. EnglishMay 9, 2022 at 10:28 AM

    Thanks, sis! This was my first time reading your article and it was super encouraging. :)


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