Pray All Monday

                                                     Photo credit goes to Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

Gray whisps grace the sky as the wind tugs at my braids. A cardinal couple hops from tree to tree as they whisper secrets to each other. Mud speckles the back of my flannel shirt as I race my siblings across the field. Happy Monday, friends, and praise the Lord for the beautiful day He gave us! As you're recovering from the time change and looking forward to spring I hope you've taken time to enjoy the extra sunlight as I have.

I know, I'm supposed to be posting on Fridays. But I'm glad I waited until Monday to write this post (and it was my sister's birthday, so I didn't really have time to write on Friday:). I woke up late (gracias, daylight savings) and rolled out of bed with one thought in mind: get started on your work and quit being lazy. I listened to Casting Crowns as I worked out and then flipped open my Bible to Ephesians 1. I wanted to go through the entire chapter and list everything that the chapter says I am in Christ (I actually got the idea from this movie. Check it out! Overcomer - Available Now ( Was it ever encouraging! If you're someone who struggles with insecurity or discouragement, I highly encourage you to do this exercise. 

As a continuous perfectionist and people-pleaser I'm often finding myself buried under a pile of expectations. Usually this isn't the fault of my family, friends, or even our pressing "conformist" culture. Usually I'm the one laying these burdens on myself: straight As, perfect piano recitals, better sistering, and strict schedules. I'm always pressing myself to do better, better, better. But in all my "bettering" I forget that I already have the best One on my side, and His ways are not pressuring or pushing.

My mum likes to say, "The Lord leads, but the devil pushes." I can definitely understand that. Psalm 23 says that God "leads me in paths for righteousness for His name's sake." In other words, He's not going to get behind me and shove me down the right path. Instead He's going to get in front of me, take my hand, and lead me in His everlasting way (Psalm 139:24). 

So that was my moment of encouragement today. But God doesn't simply want us to float through life without conflict and just wait to get to heaven. One of my closest friends loves writing and LotR, just like I do, but he also happens to be an atheist. The Lord has seen fit to let us work together most of my shifts and he knows that my faith is important to me. But today I had the pressing weight to pray for his salvation more than I ever have before. I'm not saying I'm a super Christian or have a super awesome spiritual compass but I could feel the pressing weight to pray for his soul, so I did exactly that. All morning. All afternoon. And even tonight, as I write this post, I am praying against the darkness that is fighting for his soul. 

My friends, we have an enemy. His name is Satan, and he wants to destroy you. 

Another passage from Ephesians (can you tell I like this book?) tells us to take up the armor of God. We are given our belt, breastplate, shield, helmet, and marching boots. But we're also given a sword. It makes me so sad to see people who say they are Christians, who attend church every Sunday, who never live out their faith the other six days of the week.

Why do you think you were given a sword if the Lord didn't expect you to use it?

"Stand firm," Ephesians tells us. 

Against what, God? 

The schemes of the devil.

But I don't know what they look like! I'm just the homeschooled kid from Wisconsin.

But I am with you, and if you are close to Me you will always know what they look like.

That may scare you. I know it scares me. I've been scared just praying for my friend. But I have a Friend who sticks closer than any brother or sister (Proverbs 18:24), and I'll let you know my sister and I are pretty tight. We have Jesus, y'all, and He always hears us when we pray.

How do we beat the darkness? God's Word. Our bread. Our sword.

Our life.

I encourage you, pray today. Pray tomorrow. And never, ever stop. 

Tally ho!

Rachael Anne


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