My lovely manager, Sam, checking out my books:)

May I have a drumroll, please???

I am so excited to announce that DEAR MR. COVID IS LIVE ON AMAZON!!!!!! Hop on HERE to order it right now! Dear Mr. Covid If you would, please leave me a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. It would be super, super helpful to get your feedback, and it will also promote Dear Mr. Covid to other readers. :)

I'm also blessed to share a little note of encouragement about glorifying God through writing. I hope you enjoy it!

Have you ever written something that seemed marvelous and beautiful in the moment, but when you came back to it the magic was gone? That little spark that got you started has disappeared between the time you started and the time you came back to it. And now you feel empty. 

Has that ever happened to you? If it hasn’t yet, it probably will!

I’ve only been writing seriously for a few years, but I’ve had that feeling many times. I look at the words I’ve managed to string together - some of which don’t look too great to begin with - and I let myself think. “Yeah! What wonders I have wrought!” And that’s about the time the empty feeling hits. I realize that I’m not too good of a writer; that I didn’t write the words as well as I wanted to; and that I’m not giving credit where credit is due.

That has made me wonder: how can I use my words to glorify God?

I don’t think that we should only ask this question about writing. As Christians we are told to “work heartily, as to the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23). This means that whenever we wash the dishes, or do our math homework, or write a blog post, we are to give our all as if we were doing it directly for God. 

That’s motivating, isn’t it?

That’s hard, isn’t it?

When I sit down to write there are usually a lot of distractions. My siblings are talking, my dogs are playing, and the cat might be trying to climb into my lap. I might be trying to put on some music and get distracted by YouTube. I might be running behind and just want to scribble down some words really quick. But what am I missing? 

I haven’t asked God for His help, His input, and His guidance. I haven’t even acknowledged that He’s right here, right now!

So what can you do? It starts with a prayer. Put a little note on your computer or notebook that reminds you to pray before you jump in. It’s very simple, friends. We all need the reminder sometimes. If you want to dedicate every part of your life to the Lord, the writing counts!

I have to note that this isn’t some sort of secret code to success. There is no guarantee that you will suddenly be amazingly successful after you begin dedicating your writing to God’s glory. But He will see that you are honoring Him in your personal life as well as your public life.

Isn’t knowing that you’re not living a lie reward enough?

I don’t claim to be an expert on glorifying God with my writing. I still forget to pray; I forgot when I sat down to write this post! But I am a work in progress, and I know that God is changing my heart to be more like His.

And as we are changed to be more like Him, we will seek His glory more and more.

Tally ho!

Rachael Anne


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